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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bike Recycling Program Profiled in The Grady Journal

The Bike Recycling Program was the subject of a recent video profile by Jon-Michael Sullivan of the Grady Journal.  Thanks Jon-Michael!  Check out the full video after the jump.

Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School programs enable community leaders, schools and parents across the United States to improve safety and encourage more children, including children with disabilities, to safely walk and bicycle to school. In the process, programs are working to reduce traffic congestion and improve health and the environment, making communities more livable for everyone.  Read more about it over at their site.

BikeAthens Bike Map Available Online

2005 mapYou can now get BikeAthens' famous Bike Map as an online PDF.  In addition to covering bike routes and transit stops in Athens-Clarke County, our free maps include a four-panel enlargement of the University of Georgia campus. Our full-color, topographic maps are available at all BikeAthens events and at a number of locations around Athens.  List of distribution points and link to the map in PDF form after the jump.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bike Recycling Program Slideshow

logoWe went to the Bike Recycling Program last Sunday to lend a hand and made a short slideshow to encourage volunteers to come join us.  Complete slide show and information on the BRP available after the jump.

Options for bus travel in Athens

If you are a bus rider, you have a few options for Getting Around Athens.